Introducing EverBlue DOCK System

Introducing EverBlue DOCK System

Treat, Beat, and Defeat Muck, For Good Are your summer plans already down in the muck because of lake algae, weed overgrowth, and other symptoms of poor lake health? While chemical treatments quickly kill off the vegetation that makes your lake unsightly and...
Is Your Lake Getting Healthier?

Is Your Lake Getting Healthier?

The 3 Most Important Questions No Consultant or Treatment Company Wants You to Ask The future of your lake depends on the answer to three simple questions: How healthy is my lake right now? Is it healthier today than it was a year ago, two years ago, etc.? How is your...
Beware of Consultants Bearing Thick Reports

Beware of Consultants Bearing Thick Reports

The $tudy, $tudy, $tudy Trap There’s no doubt that lake-data is important. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for consulting firms to charge $10,000 or more to develop a lake management report. The fact is that the bulk of the information in a typical 100+ page report...