Natural Lake Technologies

Natural Solutions Powered by
Cutting-Edge Technologies
Since 2007, EverBlue Lakes has been on a pioneering quest to rejuvenate ailing lakes with state-of-the-art technology. Throughout 15 years of innovation and dedication, we’ve gained invaluable insights into the complexities of lake restoration. Our purpose has never wavered: To reinvigorate lakes and return them to a state of health and vitality. In short, we’re here to save the lakes— whatever it takes.
No two lakes are the same, which is why a one-size-fits-all approach falls short
We know that the market is rife with “experts” eager to sell endless studies or push for costly, short-term treatments. Instead of waiting around for consultants to deliver long-winded reports, we test your water and rapidly get working on a long-term solution.
We get your lake “breathing” again with industry leading aeration/oxygenation technologies
We target muck to reduce nutrient levels that fuel weed growth and algae blooms.
We prevent nutrients from entering the lake with watershed and inlake filtration
Our full service management program ensures immediate and continuous results.
Natural Solutions
Our cutting-edge aeration technologies revive your lake and set the foundation for total ecosystem renewal.
AutioBio Treatment
Our powerful, non-toxic biological augmentation products will bring your lake back to life. Safer than alum and performs better at a fraction of the cost.
Rapid Phosphorus Reduction
Excess phosphorus feeds harmful weed and algae growth resulting in devastating consequences for lake communities. Even one summer of closed beaches is unacceptable.
Smart Watershed Management
Don’t wait for changes in watershed management policy. Filter pollutants and slow down eutrophication by controlling the flow of nutrients into your lake.
Performance Based Contract
We make the upfront capital investment and annualize the cost of the program for the customer. In most cases, restoring your lake will cost as little as $2 per day per property owner.
Get Started, Today.
Please fill out this contact form, and a member of our team will contact you to discuss the specific challenges facing your lake. We will arrange to test your water and provide a customized plan that is right for your lake.
Prefer email? Contact us at info@everbluelakes.com. We will get back to you within 24 hours.
“From the very first conversation I had with John Tucci, I knew we were going to be able to keep the lake open in the very first season. I couldn’t speak highly enough about the process, and I know that you’ll be extremely pleased with the results.”
– Wes Jenks Resident, East Hampton Conservation Lake Commission, Co-Founder Lake Pocotopaug Project

The EverBlue Promise
I started EverBlue Lakes as Lake Savers, LLC more than 10 years ago to rescue my own lake from invasive Eurasian Water Milfoil, Harmful Blue Green Algae and increasing layers of muck.
We promise to deliver cutting-edge Natural Technologies backed by sound science and an unwavering commitment of service to keep your lake clean, healthy and chemical-free.
We will care for your lake like it is our lake. Our mission is to save lakes…whatever it takes.
John Tucci
President & Founder
EverBlue Lakes