Phosphorous Harvester™
Rapid Phosphorus Reduction™
Before and after EverBlue Lakes
treatment with Metafloc™

Don’t Wait to Save Your Lake!
Excess phosphorus feeds harmful weed and algae growth resulting in devastating consequences for lake communities. Even one summer of closed beaches is unacceptable for property owners, families, and local businesses that rely on this precious natural resource.
Metafloc™ is just one of EverBlue Lakes natural solutions powered by cutting-edge technology. It offers better performance than alum delivered at lower cost per pound of phosphorus removed.
A Natural Technology That Works
Here’s How it Works: 1.3 gallons of Metafloc™ remediates 1 pound of water column phosphorus at a cost of $100 per pound removed. That’s less than half the cost of alum per pound of phosphorus removed!
- Improves water clarity immediately.
- Less than half the cost of alum.
- Environmentally safe.
- Easy to apply.
Metafloc™ combines proprietary phosphorus absorption chemistry with a natural biological binding agent to improve water clarity in mere hours after application. This product is much easier to apply and safer for the environment than other leading products. Metafloc™ was introduced in 2023 after development by our partners at Natural Lake Biosciences. We quickly adopted this innovative technology, which is deployed using specialized boats and custom delivery systems to ensure even, effective application and maximum results.

Save Your Lake Now
If you are tired of waiting years, or even decades, for a real solution to nutrient overloading, contact EverBlue Lakes today to find out how lakeside homeowners just like you have enjoyed EverBlue’s long-term, natural solutions— all backed by performance-based contracts.
Prefer email? Contact us at info@everbluelakes.com. We will get back to you within 24 hours.
The EverBlue Promise
I started EverBlue Lakes as Lake Savers, LLC more than 10 years ago to rescue my own lake from invasive Eurasian Water Milfoil, Harmful Blue Green Algae and increasing layers of muck.
We promise to deliver cutting-edge Natural Technologies backed by sound science and an unwavering commitment of service to keep your lake clean, healthy and chemical-free.
We will care for your lake like it is our lake. Our mission is to save lakes…whatever it takes.
John Tucci
President & Founder
EverBlue Lakes