Coming Together to Save
Lake Pocotopaug

“When I was a kid, we could see all the way to the bottom of the lake.” – John Purple, Lake Pocotopaug Resident

Coming Together to Save Lake Pocotopaug

“When I was a kid, we could see all the way to the bottom of the lake.” – John Purple, Lake Pocotopaug Resident

Sharing the Success

Once plagued by algae blooms, beach closures, and bad press, Lake Pocotopaug has shown incredible improvements in water quality indicators. Now, beaches are open all summer long for the first time in many years.

Dive into the data to see how we reversed decades of decline and eliminated toxic algae blooms. Explore the story of Lake Pocotopaug and the EverBlue approach to Whole Lake Solutions.

Community Testimonials

“I highly recommend having a conversation with EverBlue Lakes. From the very first conversation I had with John Tucci, I knew we were going to be able to keep the lake open in the very first season. I couldn’t speak highly enough about the process and I know that you’ll be extremely pleased with the results.”

Wes Jenks

Resident, East Hampton Conservation Lake Commission, Co-Founder Lake Pocotopaug Project

Reversing Decades of Decline

– In Record Time!


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In the 1980s, runoff coming into the lake combined with a lack of watershed protections and nearby over-construction began to threaten the lake’s health. In the early 2000s, algae blooms began to plague Lake Pocotopaug throughout the summer. Although they seemed to appear overnight, longtime lake residents knew that the problem was at least two decades years in the making.

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Fall 2019

John Tucci presents the EverBlue Lakes Solution to more than 200 concerned residents and Town officials.

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Spring 2020

EverBlue Lakes is awarded a performance-based contract and begins site development to save Lake Pocotopaug.

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Summer 2020

At the height of the Pandemic Crisis EverBlue mobilizes and completes installation of one of the largest lake aeration systems in the country consisting of 55 patented EverBlue Diffusers and more than 25 miles of airline connected to two shore-based aeration units.

The lake remains clear of harmful algal blooms for the first time in 15 years.

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Summer 2021

After a great start to the season, the Region experiences historic rainfalls. A harmful algal bloom closes the lake. The EverBlue System recovers the lake within 3 weeks.

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Summer 2022

In just the second full season of operation the EverBlue Lakes System keeps the lake open with the best water quality in decades.

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Summer 2023

The lake is free of any signs of harmful algae blooms with long-time residents commenting “I haven’t seen the lake look this good since I was a kid!”

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Summer 2024 and Beyond

EverBlue Lakes continues to monitor Lake Pocotopaug, treating it to keep phosphorus levels low, dissolved oxygen levels high, and achieve better water clarity.

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Save Your Lake Now

We are ready when you are. Call us today at (269) 383-3400 or fill out the form to get started. We will custom tailor a Natural Lake Improvement Plan for your lake at no cost or obligation.

Prefer email? Contact us at We will get back to you within 24 hours.


The EverBlue Promise

I started EverBlue Lakes as Lake Savers, LLC more than 10 years ago to rescue my own lake from invasive Eurasian Water Milfoil, Harmful Blue Green Algae and increasing layers of muck.

We promise to deliver cutting-edge Natural Technologies backed by sound science and an unwavering commitment of service to keep your lake clean, healthy and chemical-free.

We will care for your lake like it is our lake. Our mission is to save lakes…whatever it takes.

John Tucci

President & Founder
EverBlue Lakes