Watch the full conversation between our team member Jeff Connor and Mark to see firsthand how AutoBio is helping restore this channel to its former glory – without dredging.
We Will Swim Here Again: An Autobio Success Story
When faced with a heavily silted channel, many lake communities turn to dredging as their only option. But what if there was a more sustainable solution? In this candid conversation with lakefront resident Mark, we explore how AutoBio technology transformed one Midwest channel in just three months.
The channel had already been dredged once before, only to fill back in with muck. Instead of repeating this costly cycle, the community opted for our innovative approach: combining dock-mounted aerating circulators with AutoBio technology. The results speak for themselves – over a foot of muck reduction in just the first three months.
“It’s taken over a foot of muck out through here, which we wasn’t expecting,” Mark shares in the video. “Everybody in this mobile home park has commented about how much cleaner the channel looks, and how you can see the fish.”
Beyond muck reduction, residents are noticing:
- Consistently clearer water throughout the month
- Increased fish activity in the channel
- Return of wildlife and recreational activities
- Improvements in overall water quality
Watch the full conversation between our team member Jeff Connor and Mark to see firsthand how AutoBio is helping restore this channel to its former glory – without dredging.
Ready to learn how AutoBio can address your lake’s muck and water quality issues? Contact us today!