Here at EverBlue Lakes we want to change our customers’ thinking from, “How do I get rid of these weeds?” to How do I help keep this lake healthy and safe for generations to come? We know this is a big undertaking, but we’re confident that our approach is the right one. 

What is “Lake Health?”

Since the beginning of time, humans have had a deep connection with lakes. Many indigenous cultures revere water as sacred, and even in our modernized society we treat trips to the lake house as a special time- setting aside the cares of the world for a few days (or all summer, if we’re lucky) to focus on spending time with family, recharging, and enjoying the natural world around us. Our physical health is so connected to our natural world that we even refer to lakes as “bodies” of water. 

“Lake Health” is a way of talking about a lake as an entire ecosystem, where organisms like algae, fish, wildlife, people, and the surrounding areas are all interconnected.

When you view a lake this way, it changes the way you approach issues like shoreline muck or cyanobacteria. We work by understanding your lake’s particular issues, then improving its health with a variety of sustainable treatments like aeration, biological treatment, filtration, and smart watershed management. We address symptoms of poor lake health like muck, weeds, and algae by treating the root causes.

A Long Term Solution

A conventional approach to weed overgrowth might be to apply chemicals, but think before you dump alum. Do you know the cause of the overgrowth? In the case of a nearby farm causing runoff into the lake, for example, do you really think that adding even more chemicals is the right approach? Most people are not aware that repeated chemical treatments can make your lake woes much worse over time. Often, nutrient overloading is the result of several factors working together, so treatment should be comprehensive to address imbalances and mitigate contamination from nearby areas.

“For about 15 yrs we were spending $10,000 per year on chemicals for treatment of weed control. What we were actually doing all this time was putting a bandage on a major problem without resolving the problem itself. In 2009, our lake association committed to a major change in our approach. We studied and interviewed many companies and their methods of treatment. We contracted with EverBlue Lakes. It definitely was the right thing to do, period. They have the right approach and by far the best technology.” 

-George Hartley, former Keeler Lake Property Association Water Quality Manager

Our commitment to restoring lakes is not only evident in our scientific approach to remediation and treatment, it’s right there in our business plan. Our performance-based contracting relies on results and scientific research. One example of our commitment to saving these lakes is that we do not sell “maintenance free” solutions. What good thing in life is maintenance-free? We’re not in the business of dumping chemicals and walking away, nor selling you a machine that supposedly runs forever without upkeep. We’re in the business of developing long term solutions backed up by independent analysis.

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Keep reading for Part 2

EverBlue Resources