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Thank you for Subscribing to
EverBlue Lakes News.

We appreciate that you are concerned for the well being of your lake, your health, and the legacy you pass on. We know you are researching how to fix your problems and we hope we are a part of the solution. But, even if we aren’t, we want to try to educate you, share stories, ideas, current issues facing lakes and above all — help you make an informed decision.

If you haven’t requested our “Is my Lake at Risk” assessment tool, please do that as a great starting point.

Before you leave! Please do one thing!! Ask Us the #1 question on your mind.

Why you ask? “I don’t have time”, you say… That is the point – let us find a past article, blog post, or newsletter that might directly answer your quesiton. If we don’t have that, we will try to answer you personally and maybe even create a whole new post to share with people having the same issues, problems or quesitons as you.

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